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Университет Гронингена

Гронингенский университет — один из самых престижных и в то же время крупнейших и старейших университетов, основан в 1614 году. Имеет 2 кампуса: в Амстерадаме и Гронинге.

Университет предлагает программы бакалавриата и магистратуры для иностранных студентов на английском языке. Факультет бизнеса считается одним из самых престижных и входит в 5% лучших бизнес-школ мира.

Программы бакалавриата на английском языке:

Гуманитарные специальности:

  • Arts, Culture and Media
  • English Language and Culture
  • Media Studies
  • Minorities & Multilingualism
  • European Languages and Cultures
  • History
  • International relations and international organization

Экономика и бизнес

  • International business
  • Econometrics and operations research
  • Economics and business economics

Наука и техника

  • Astronomy
  • Chemical engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Computing science
  • Industrial engineering and management
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Applied mathematics
  • Applied physics
  • Artificial intelligence


  • Medicine, Profile 'Global Health'
  • Medicine Profile 'Molecular Medicine'

Spatial Sciences

  • Human Geography & Urban and Regional Planning
  • Spatial Planning and Design

Поведенческие и социальные науки

  • Psychology


  • Philosophy of a specific discipline


  • International and European law

Бизнес и управление (в Амстердаме)

BSc International Business
BSc Economics and Business Economics
BSc Econometrics and Operations Research

Программы магистратуры на английском языке:


Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology
Prehistory and Protohistory of Northwest Europe

Archaeology (research)

Искусство и Культура

Arts, Culture and Media
History of Architecture and Town Planning
Arts and Culture (research)
Cultural Leadership (research)
Literary and cultural studies (research)
Classics and Ancient Civilizatons
Ancient History
Communication and Information Science
Digital Humanities
Information Science
European Studies
Euroculture, erasmus mundus
History Today
History (research)
Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies (research)
Modern History and International Relations (research)
International Relations
East Asian Studies
European Integration
Global Governance
International Relations and International Organization
International Political Economy
International Security
International Relations 90 ECTS
International Humanitarian Action (NOHA) erasmus mundus
Applied Linguistics
European Linguistics
Linguistics (research)
Clinical Linguistics / EMCL+ (research)
Language and Cognition
Language and Communication Technologies (LCT) (research) erasmus mundus
Literary Studies
English Literature and Culture
European Literatures and Cultures
Writing Editing and Mediating
Media Studies 90 ECTS
North American Studies
American Studies

Поведенческие и социальные науки

Behavioural and Social Sciences (research)
Educational Sciences
Evidence-based Education
Pedagogical Sciences:
Communication and Deafblindness
Ethics of education: history, philosophy and law
Youth 0-21, Society and Policy
Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
Applied Social Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Neuropsychology
Cognitive Psychology and Psychophysiology
Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology
Traffic Psychology and Sustained Mobility
Environmental Psychology
Reflecting on Psychology
Talent Development and Creativity
Social Networks in a Sustainable Society

Экономика и Бизнес

Business Administration
Change management
Organizational and Management Control
Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Strategic Innovation Management
Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies
DDM China and the World Economy
DDM China and the World Economy
DDM Economics and Economic Analysis
DDM China and the World Economy
Human Resource Management
International Business and Management
DDM Advanced International Business Management and Marketing
DDM China and the World Economy
International Economics and Business
DDM Central-East European Economies
DDM China and the World Economy
DDM International Development Economics
DDM Economic Development and Growth (MEDEG)
International Financial Management
DDM International Financial Management
DDM China and the World Economy
DDM Strategic Marketing Intelligence
DDM Marketing and finance
Research Master in Economics and Business
Supply Chain Management
Technology and Operations Management
DDM Operations Management

Здоровье и биология

Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences (research)
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Sciences
Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology (research)
Ecology and Evolution
Evolutionary Biology
Energy and Environmental Sciences
Human Movement Sciences
Marine Biology
Medical and Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation (research)
Innovative Medicine
Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Biomolecular Sciences
Sport Sciences


International Business Law
International Commercial Law
International Human Rights Law
Public International Law
Energy and Climate Law
European Economic Law
Global Criminal Law


Philosophy (research)

Наука и техника

Applied Mathematics
Applied Physics
Artificial Intelligence
Biomedical Engineering
Biomolecular Sciences
Chemical Engineering (J)
Computing Science
Energy and Environmental Sciences
Human-Machine Communication
Industrial Engineering and Management
Medical and Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Nanoscience (top master)
Water Technology

Spatial Sciences

Cultural Geography
Environmental and Infrastructure Planning
DDM Development Planning and Infrastructure Planning
DDM Water and Coastal management
Population Studies
DDM Social demography
DDM Demography and Social Inequality
Real Estate Studies
Spatial Studies (research)

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Также наша компания предлагает курсы подготовки к IELTS в Москве по будним или выходным дням. Тест IELTS является необходимым для поступления в высшие учебные заведения за рубежом, которые предлагают обучение на английском языке.