8 апреля 2016
4 февраля 2015

Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
Kalashnikov ISTU is one of the largest research and educational centers of Privolzhsky Federal District targeted at training human resources in engineering and other high-priority specialties and educational areas.
The university was named after the legendary small arms designer Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.
Faculties and institutes:
• Institute of Modern Technologies in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and Metallurgy
• Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Faculty of Heat Engineering
• Faculty of Civil Engineering
• Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
• Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering
• Faculty of Computer Science
• Faculty of Management and Marketing
• Faculty of Economics, Law and Humanities
• Faculty of Advertising and Design
• Institute of Physical Training and Sports
Some facts
800 lecturers are involved in the teaching process, among them 1 Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences,
24 Academicians and corresponding members of public academies,
100 Professors / Doctors of Science,
400 - Associate Professors / Candidates of Science (PhD).
12,000 students, including 300 PhD students, are educated at 10 faculties and 2 institutes of Kalashnikov ISTU.
The university is training engineers in 6 specialties, bachelors - in 48 programs, masters - in 37 programs, PhDs - in 27 programs.
Kalashnikov ISTU has 5 branches in towns of Udmurt Republic and Perm region, namely: Votkinsk, Sarapul, Glazov, Kambarka and Tchaikovsky.
Kalashnikov ISTU was granted a full membership in European University Association alongside with over 850 members from 47 European countries, including 23 Russian higher educational institutions.
According to the results of Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard in 2014 Kalashnikov ISTU is ranked "ВВ+" and is the 51st among Russian HEIs. In the ranking by Agency "Expert RA" Kalashnikov ISTU got the 65th position among Russian HEIs.
Tuition fee per year 2014/2015 - 2000 USD (112 000 Roubles)
Accommodation fee - 70-100 USD per month
The university was named after the legendary small arms designer Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.
Faculties and institutes:
• Institute of Modern Technologies in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and Metallurgy
• Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Faculty of Heat Engineering
• Faculty of Civil Engineering
• Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
• Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering
• Faculty of Computer Science
• Faculty of Management and Marketing
• Faculty of Economics, Law and Humanities
• Faculty of Advertising and Design
• Institute of Physical Training and Sports
Some facts
800 lecturers are involved in the teaching process, among them 1 Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences,
24 Academicians and corresponding members of public academies,
100 Professors / Doctors of Science,
400 - Associate Professors / Candidates of Science (PhD).
12,000 students, including 300 PhD students, are educated at 10 faculties and 2 institutes of Kalashnikov ISTU.
The university is training engineers in 6 specialties, bachelors - in 48 programs, masters - in 37 programs, PhDs - in 27 programs.
Kalashnikov ISTU has 5 branches in towns of Udmurt Republic and Perm region, namely: Votkinsk, Sarapul, Glazov, Kambarka and Tchaikovsky.
Kalashnikov ISTU was granted a full membership in European University Association alongside with over 850 members from 47 European countries, including 23 Russian higher educational institutions.
According to the results of Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard in 2014 Kalashnikov ISTU is ranked "ВВ+" and is the 51st among Russian HEIs. In the ranking by Agency "Expert RA" Kalashnikov ISTU got the 65th position among Russian HEIs.
Tuition fee per year 2014/2015 - 2000 USD (112 000 Roubles)
Accommodation fee - 70-100 USD per month